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Core concepts of the Beacon

Beacon Traits

In the DegenScore Beacon, the user on-chain skill and reputation is condensed in bits of data known as "Traits".

The parameters of these traits are designed by the DegenScore team with the goal of making someone's crypto abilities easy to understand and practical to use both on-chain and off-chain.

The DegenScore Beacon stores scores for all traits a user has achieved onchain in the Beacon Smart Contract.

Alongside the Traits the Beacon stores a reference to a off-chain resource, consumable by everyone, which returns metadata about each Trait which can be used to further enhance the user experience.

Trait Recency

Since there is no way of knowing how recent / up to date a Trait is, a user could present a Beacon with outdated Traits. To prevent this, a timestamp is saved on-chain alongside the Traits every time the user updates his Traits.

Beacon integrators should consider how important the recency of the Traits are for their applications and only accept Beacons which are within their max age.

ERC1155 and composability

The DegenScore Beacon is built with composability first: by implementing the read methods of the ERC1155 interface, the Beacon is compatible with existing NFT platforms and the broader web3 space.

The DegenScore team will build more experiences on top of the Beacon but anyone can use the Beacon as a permissionless API to understand & leverage users’ on-chain reputation.


The ERC1155 methods should not be used for beacon integrations. They are included to allow compatibility with platforms like OpenSea. For integrations the Beacon Interface should be used.